Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) Solution
Database Activity Monitoring is a database security solution for monitoring and analysing database activity. The data gathered by a DAM tool is used to analyse and report on database activity, provide data on breach investigations and alert on database activity anomalies. Monitoring activity should be performed continuously and in real-time.
Database Activity Monitoring and Prevention (DAMP) is an extension to DAM which targets blocking unauthorised activity additional to monitoring.
DAM also helps organisations address compliance with regulations such as; PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX etc.
Our solution detects, classifies, generates alarms and reports events that occur in database systems. It provides easy access to the information of who has access to sensitive data and what actions are taken at which intervals, and ensures that the authorities are informed about the events with predefined alarm rules.
IBM® Guardium® Data Security Center:
Protect your data from current and emerging risks, including AI and cryptographic-related risks, through a unified experience. Manage your security and compliance posture on premises and in the cloud with an open and integrated solution. The 5 modules on IBM Guardium Data Security Center include: IBM® Guardium® DSPM, IBM® Guardium® DDR, IBM® Guardium® Data Compliance, IBM® Guardium® AI Security and IBM® Guardium® Quantum Safe